RgL&T Consultancy N.V.


We at RGL&T Consultancy N.V. arrange everything to make your private and business trip and or your relocation to Suriname a success and that you can live and work in Suriname carefree

About us

We offer complete visa and immigration solutions and support in advising and guiding with the application of all types of visa, PSA document and applications for legal residence status in Suriname, the Netherlands, Belgium and France.

We also support you after your relocation in Suriname, so that you can focus on your actual goal in Suriname. With our expertise and knowledge, we help you save money, reduce stress and allow you to focus on your real priorities.


RGL&T Consultancy N.V. is the market leader in services related to migration and relocation of foreigners in Suriname. Furthermore, advising and guiding Surinamese who wish to apply for a visa to the Netherlands, Belgium and France. We can do this because everything you need to achieve your goal can be found in one location with a personal approach. We know exactly which steps need to be taken.


RGL&T Consultancy N.V. stands for expert, reliable, professional and qualitative service to all foreigners and companies with foreign employees. Due to the years of experience and expertise of the professionals, having a wide network inside and outside Suriname, we have professionalized ourselves, so that you can focus on your goal while we do the paperwork.


Make Contact

Make an appointment

Execution Assignment

Status Update

You contact us via message, email, telephone, whatsapp or social media (you will be contacted within 1 working day)

An appointment will be made with you for an extensive physical meeting, so that you can inform us about your case and/or problem. You are therefore asked to bring documentation with you, depending on what you are making an appointment for. A quote is drawn up based on the case/problem.

If you agree with the quotation and have made the payment, the assignment will be carried out. Payment can be made in person or by bank transfer. During the entire process you will receive assistance and guidance from the professionals of RG.L.&T Consultancy N.V.

Depending on the order, you will be informed every 2 weeks or monthly about the status of your order. This information can be provided by e-mail or WhatsApp and, if necessary, by telephone. You will also be informed when the assignment has been completed.

COntact maken

U maakt contact met ons via een bericht, email, telefonisch, whatsapp of social media (binnen 1 werkdag wordt u gecontact)

Maak een afspraak

Er wordt een afspraak met u gemaakt voor een uitgebreid gesprek fysiek, zodat u ons kunt informeren over uw case en of probleem. Hier wordt dan ook gevraagd documentatie mee te nemen afhankelijk waarvoor u een afspraak maakt.

Uitvoeren van de opdracht

 Indien u akkoord gaat met de offerte en aan de betaling heeft voldaan wordt de opdracht uitgevoerd. De betaling kan persoonlijk, maar ook via de bank geschieden. 


Aan de hand van de case/ probleem wordt er een offerte opgemaakt en een behandelplan intern opgesteld. De offerte wordt naar u opgestuurd.


Tijdens het geheel proces zult u assistentie en begeleiding ontvangen van de professionals van RG.L.&T Consultancy N.V.


Afhankelijk van de opdracht zult u steeds 2 wekelijks of maandelijks worden geïnformeerd over de status van uw opdracht. Dat informatie kan geschieden via e-mail of WhatsApp en als het noodzakelijk is telefonisch.


De opdracht van de klant is afgerond

Contact us

Call and whatsapp 00 597 8688011
Mail: info@rgltconsultancy.sr

The working hours are from:
Monday to Friday from 10.00-19.00
Saturday 10.00 – 15.00
Closed on Sundays
Only available outside working hours for emergencies